BaFin Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht Bonn
product category | BARiT Commercial Kitchens |
floortype | KITCHEN FLOOR IN R12, V4 |
area size (m²) | ca 470 sqm |
architect | Niering und Seifert Grossküchen Planung Beratung |
client | |
build year | 2015 |
floor description:
The warm colors of the MASTERTERRAZZO emphasizes the elegance of the new casino of the Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin). The surface of the MASTERTERRAZZO has different antislippery ranges, for the large-range kitchen area the kitchenflooor in R 12, V4 and for the seating area one in R 9.
project description:
For the application of the MASTERTERRAZZO BARIT delivered the whole floor construction with concrete, tiles for the walls and the new terrazzofloor for an area with 470 sqm. The jointless epoxyterrazzo has easy to clean and to desinfect.