Floor construction for the large-scale kitchen for dm-Drogerie, new Headquarter Karlsruhe
product category | BARiT Commercial Kitchens |
floortype | KITCHEN FLOOR IN R12, V4 |
area size (m²) | 450 m² |
architect | LRO GmbH & Co. KG, Stuttgart |
client | dm – drogerie markt GmbH + Co. KG |
build year | 2018 |
floor description:
The requirements of a floor construction in a company restaurant with 1500 meals per day are very high. The commercial kitchen merges seamlessly with the front cooking and free-flow area. In order to water proof the kitchen with scullery, cooling areas and food distribution, the floor construction was installed in accordance with DIN 18534 Part 1 and Part 3. The seamless BARiT kitchen floor has been designed in the different slip resistance classes of R 12 V4, R 11, R 10 and R 9 installed on an upper composite seal with a general building test certificate (abP) according to the DIN 18534-3:2017-07 as Waterproofing for indoor applications - Part 3: Waterproofing with liquid-applied waterproofing materials in conjunction with tiles and paving. The BARIT kitchen floor connects seamlessly to the drainage system supplied and installed by BARIT. Smooth appliance bases and smooth hand-made hollow curves ensure optimum hygiene in accordance with DIN 10506.
project description:
The architects Lederer + Ragnarsdòttir + Oei originally envisioned a tiled floor for the large-scale kitchen. "However, we quickly noticed that a fully jointless kitchen floor with upper composite waterproofing is the easiest for preventing long-term moisture damage," reports Tanja Wolters, Team Manager Facility Management dm-dialogicum. Therefore, a solution from Barit was chosen: "The epoxy resin-based kitchen floor covering, which is easy and quick to clean, reduces environmentally harmful cleaning agents in the work areas of the catering areas, but also the cleaning effort itself and thus relieves the employees," adds Tobias Rößler, responsible for Facility Management and project leader of the new dm-dialogicum building. In the spirit of this sustainable added value, which also takes into account dm's mission statement, the company was also prepared to invest more than estimated for the tile covering. "And in the current situation, you are even more happy that you do not have to worry about the hygienic challenge of a tile floor, such as the floor-level maintenance joints for the de-treatment system," says Tobias Rössler.